Hills Pestntrol
Hills Pest Control logo Hills Termite and Pest Control - Cookeville, Tennessee - 931-526-5212



My "termite tight" guarantee . . .

"At Last, Never Pay For Termite Treatments Again"

"Both of us know, one inspection or termite treatment won't give you a gnat's head of what you really want: a termite-free home for the rest of your life. (Remember, Tennessee has the one of the highest termite infestation in the U.S.) That's why I'm offering you a powerful, termite-tight guarantee...

A RENEWABLE, TRANSFERABLE THREE-PHASE GUARANTEE that lasts not just for one year, not even five, but for . . . a lifetime:

1. If, within one year of your first treatment, we uncover a new colony of subterranean termites, I will re-treat your home for FREE - and waive your first year's renewal fee.

2. If, during the first five years of your service contract, we uncover a new colony of subterranean termites, we will re-treat for FREE.

3. If, during the first five years and any year thereafter, we uncover a new colony of subterranean termites, we will re-treat for FREE - EVEN IF YOU SELL THE HOME AND MOVE OUT!

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Hill's Termite & Pest Control · 447 S. Walnut Ave · Cookeville, TN
Toll Free 1-888-526-5212 · Local (931) 526-5212
Fax: (931) 526-5232 · Email
: hillspestco@gmail.com